Monday, 12 August 2013


TEXT: LUKE 5:1-11

Simon Peter and some apostles went out for fishing. Throughout the night they were unable to catch a single fish. Can you imagine how frustrated that could be? Though Jesus had not ascended for the Holy Spirit to come as promised but they believe in their past experiences in fishing and never prayed for divine direction.
The Bible says “By strength shall no man prevail “. Jesus appeared in their boat and directed them to the extent that they could not carry the surplus fishes alone. In whatsoever we do in life, we must learn to bring Christ into it for an overwhelming breakthrough. In Matthew: 24-27, there is an account of how Jesus and His disciples were accused because of tax, and he sent Peter to the sea to catch a fish, to open its mouth and bring money from it and pay their taxes.
What do you want to do today, this week? Is it in your life, marriage, career, children, academics, works, business, etc.?Ask God for direction.

  1. Today, this week, oh LORD guide my steps in Jesus’ name.
  2. Anointing of wasted effort, dry up in my life in Jesus’ name.
  3. Lord Jesus, supervise the totality of my life in Jesus’ name.
  4. Every witchcraft power anointed to waste my effort, be destroyed in Jesus’ name.
  5. O God my Creator, protect, promote, provide for me today, this week in Jesus’ name.
  6. Seed of self in me, die in Jesus’ name.
  7. Anointing for divine direction, fall upon my life in Jesus’ name.
                                                                              Expect a miracle this week in Jesus name!

Monday, 22 July 2013


TEXT: MATTHEW 15:29-39

One afternoon, a crowd of 4,000 people gathered to hear from Jesus. The disciples saw that it would soon be time to eat, so they presented their request and the answer came back. God never asks us to do something without providing the necessary tools to succeed. We have been empowered by the Holy Spirit and equipped through the word of God to accomplish all that we desire.

Philippians 4:19 says, “But my God shall supply all your needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.” Our heavenly father wants to use us to feed those in need, bless and multiply what we are able to provide.

Let’s identify the needs around us this week and present our request in prayers. Then let’s allow God to work through our life and give us the desired result. His great promises of provision can never fail. Hence, we need to appropriate this numerous promises in prayer in absolute faith in Him and He will not let us down in Jesus name.

Prayer points

  1. Any power that want to manipulate my life negatively this week, die in the name of Jesus
  2. You that evil power using my life to trade, fall down and die in the name of Jesus
  3. O Lord, bless me to bless others in the name of Jesus
  4. Every power of bewitchment attached to my foundation, be destroyed in the name of Jesus
  5. I shall be what God wants to be in Jesus name
  6. Every evil landing space in my life be destroyed by the fire of God in the name of Jesus
  7. Father, supply all my needs in Jesus name (physical, financial, spiritual, material, etc)
  8. Lord Jesus, you are the God of multiplications, multiply every blessings in my hand in Jesus name
  9. Thank you Jesus for answered prayers.

Monday, 8 July 2013


TEXT: Eccl. 3:1-15
Times and season happen to everything under the sun. Nothing has ever happened outside time, nothing is happening outside time now or will anything ever happen outside time on this earth. Time is the mother of seasons, years, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes and seconds. No wonder the psalmist said in psalm 31:5, “my times are in thy hands, deliver me from the hands of mine enemies and from them that persecute me.”
Yes there’s a God that owns time and season, and all that time can give birth to. Commit your times into His hand today and always and He’ll sort you out and you will be glad you did. David entrusted his time into God’s hand and survived. The numerous battles he fought and won in his life time couple with the reality that he died at a good old age are indications that he committed his time unto God.
Let God know by declaring to him that you are n longer in charge of your time, for yur time are in His hands as you pray this pray this prayer points this morning.

Prayer points

  1. Oh Lord I commit my time into your hands today, this week.
  2. Every satanic time investor, my time is not yours to invest on in the name of Jesus.
  3. I redeem my time from the hands of waster in the name of Jesus.
  4. I refuse to waste time on any unprofitable venture in the name of Jesus.
  5. My time of blessing will not pass me by in Jesus name.
  6. I give you my life time Lord Jesus, in Jesus name
  7. Every strong man of time swallowing spirit, my time is not your candidate, lose your hold over my time in the name of Jesus.
  8. Thank you Jesus for answered prayer.
This week will be unto you a week of divine blessing in Jesus name!

Monday, 24 June 2013


TEXT: GEN 29:14-25
In our text this week, we read the story about Laban and Jacob. This story talked about how Jacob worked for good seven years for the dowry of the woman he loved, but when it’s time for Laban to fulfill his part of the agreement, he disappointed Jacob and this made him worked another extra seven years for his love.
Disappointment is one of the weapons of the enemy against the believers. In the mighty name of Jesus, as you pray these prayer points with all your heart, every stronghold of disappointment in your life shall collapse in Jesus name.

Prayer points

  1. Father I thank you because you are a covenant keeper when you say a thing you bring it to pass.
  2. Every strong hold of disappointment at the point of my appointment this week break in the mighty name of Jesus.
  3. Every power that want to turn the heart of my helper against me this week be destroyed in Jesus name
  4. I command the fire of God to destroyed the hand of exchangers in my life in Jesus name
  5. Lord, set me face from the hands of the deceivers in Jesus name.
  6. I come against every spirit of delayed blessings in my life this week in Jesus name
  7. Father this week put an end to failure at the edge of breakthrough in my life in Jesus
  8. Oh God of Bethel, remember me this week and bring me to my covenant ground in Jesus name
  9. Thank you Lord for answered prayers.
                                                                                                                         Be Blessed!!!