Monday, 25 March 2013


  TEXT: GEN.16: 7-16
 What do you mean by God thou seest me? God look down on me. This week, God will look down on you in every wilderness situation of your life in Jesus’ name. In our text this week, Hagar ran away from her mistress as a result of her misbehaviors, and she found herself in the wilderness at a fountain of water, where she expected to get water to refresh herself for continuation, but she was disappointed. But an angel of the LORD appeared to her, so shall the Angel of the LORD appear to you this week in JESUS’ name.

In II Chronicles 16:9, the Bible says, “the eyes of thy LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth”. In Gen 31:42. As God rebuke afflictions in the life of Jacob, so shall GOD rebuke afflictions in your life this week in JESUS’ name.

As you pray this prayer points this week, you will not be wasted in the wilderness in Jesus’ name.


1.      Lord look down from heaven and behold my life in the wilderness in JESUS’ name.
2.      Come oh LORD and save me from my wilderness experience in Jesus’ name.
3.      Don’t let my life be wasted in the wilderness of life in Jesus’ name.
4.      Let every forest or desert spirit and power that pursues me into the wilderness die in the name of Jesus.
5.      I refuse to submit to the authority and Lordship of the desert spirit.
6.      Lord Jesus send your angel to deliver me from the wilderness in the name of Jesus.
7.      I refuse to flee into the wilderness for any reason in Jesus name

 A great testimony is coming your way this WEEK in Jesus name!!!

Monday, 18 March 2013



Comfort is the state of being physically relaxed and free from pain, while sorrow is a feeling of great sadness because something very bad has happened. This week God will comfort you from every sorrow in Jesus name.

In our text, the bible said Noah built an altar to God a burnt offering and the Lord smelled a soothing aroma. As you offer to God a quality praise offering, this week, God will release the Spirit of comfort upon you in Jesus name.

In Isaiah 40:1, God says “comfort ye, comfort ye, my people” which means that God is interested in you enjoying comfort, not just in a particular aspect of life but in all ramification.

As you pray these prayer points violently, may you have talking testimonies in Jesus name (Amen).
  • 1-  I receive the spirit of comfort throughout this week in the name of Jesus
  • 2-    Lord, let me be comforted in every side I have been wounded before in the name of Jesus
  • 3-    Father, give me a permanent comfort that the devil cannot steal away in Jesus name
  • 4-    Oh lord, let me be comforted in every side of my life, home, business, academics, ministry
  • 5-    God of comfort and consolidation, I receive your comfort in this year 2013 in the mighty name of Jesus
  • 6-    Use me oh Lord as a means of comfort for others in life in Jesus name
  • 7-    I reject every sorrow and sadness planned by the devil to destroy my comfort in Jesus name

Have a lovely week ahead!

Friday, 15 March 2013


The greatest fulfillment on earth while living is trending the path of purpose for which you were created for and the most miserable dissatisfaction is looking at that purpose pass away with you wavering your hands at it. Everyone on earth has a path of purpose and for this reason, potentials and opportunities has been given to match up the fulfillment of this purpose.

Quite sad for a lot of people who has given chances to discouragements, excuses and more, who have lost their path of relevance. When you exchange your path of purpose, you get miserable and true fulfillment and happiness will be far from you.

When you make a discovery of what you are really created to do, that becomes a great asset to you. It becomes so important because that is the only thing that has your name printed on it and within it (when engaged), gives birth to other things that you can call your own. So really, why were you created or why are you still alive at a time like this?

It doesn’t matter if your discovery is not as shinning as that of your colleague or as attractive as that of the folks around you. It doesn’t matter how small or how insignificant it might look to the eyes of those around, what matter is how you view your discovery. Every part in a car is so important because the smallest part (when viewed insignificantly) can cause huge damage to the functionality of the car and hence the driver.

When you passionately engage in what you were meant to do, productivity follows and if it continues progressively, you will begin to grow in it. So the more you grow in doing what you are meant to do, the more you grow in how to do it. Be driven by your conviction of the success of what you are doing. Remember, challenges make you stronger and tougher.

These are the words I heard as I woke up today. It sounded familiar to me as I have heard them before and so I knew it was for you. A continuous drop of rain makes a bucket full of water but if it stops half way, a half full bucket doesn’t make a running over!

Don’t stop engaging in that path of relevance you’ve discovered, the little beginning today will become for others a model tomorrow. So when you stop, everything else stops!