TEXT: GEN 29:14-25
In our text this week, we read the story about Laban and
Jacob. This story talked about how Jacob worked for good seven years for the
dowry of the woman he loved, but when it’s time for Laban to fulfill his part of
the agreement, he disappointed Jacob and this made him worked another extra
seven years for his love.
Disappointment is one of the weapons of the enemy against
the believers. In the mighty name of Jesus, as you pray these prayer points
with all your heart, every stronghold of disappointment in your life shall
collapse in Jesus name.
Prayer points
- Father I thank you because you are a covenant keeper when you say a thing you bring it to pass.
- Every strong hold of disappointment at the point of my appointment this week break in the mighty name of Jesus.
- Every power that want to turn the heart of my helper against me this week be destroyed in Jesus name
- I command the fire of God to destroyed the hand of exchangers in my life in Jesus name
- Lord, set me face from the hands of the deceivers in Jesus name.
- I come against every spirit of delayed blessings in my life this week in Jesus name
- Father this week put an end to failure at the edge of breakthrough in my life in Jesus
- Oh God of Bethel, remember me this week and bring me to my covenant ground in Jesus name
- Thank you Lord for answered prayers.